Saturday, August 31, 2019

Analysis of Brick Cleaner Essay

Aim: To find the percentage by mass of hydrochloric acid present in brick cleaner by doing an acid-base titration. Theory/Hypothesis: The main ingredient in brick cleaner is HCL and must be diluted and titrated with a base to be able to analyse it. It reacts with parts of the concrete which allows it to remove the concrete from the bricks. I think there will be around 30% of HCL in brick cleaner. Materials: * 5mL brick cleaner * 100mL, 0.1M standard sodium carbonate solution * 250ml de-ionised water * Methyl orange indicator * 250mL volumetric flask * 4x100mL conical flasks * Small funnel * 10mL measuring cylinder * 20mL pipette * Pipette filter * Dropping pipette * Burette and stand * White tile * Electronic balance * Safety glasses * Gloves Method: 1) A 250 mL volumetric flask was weighed with it’s mass recorded 2) A 10mL measuring cylinder was used to pour 5mL brick cleaner into the volumetric flask. The flask was stoppered straight after all the brick cleaner was in the flask. 3) The flask was then reweighed 4) De-ionised water was added until the flask was about half full. The flask was stoppered and shaken carefully upside down several times. 5) More water was added to the flask about a cm below the graduation line. A dropper was used to accurately drop the right amount of water to the flask so the bottom of the meniscus was on the graduation line. 6) A 20mL pipette was used to put 20mL of sodium carbonate solution into each of the four 100mL conical flask. 3 drops of methyl orange indicator was added to each. 7) The burette was filled with the solution of brick cleaner. 8) The sodium carbonate solution was titrated with the solution of brick cleaner until there was a clear permanent colour change. 9) Steps 7 and 8 were repeated until 3 concordant results were Results: Weight Volumetric flask 78.968g Brick cleaner 6.00g Titre 1 2 3 Initial vol 2.3 23.4 3.0 Final vol 23.4 44.5 24.0 Vol added 21.1 21.1 21.0 Calculations: On page attached. Discussion: The weight for the brick cleaner may not be 6.00g as the volumetric flask was not weighed again with the brick cleaner in it because that step was forgotten. So the result above was taken from another student that did the prac. This will affect the results as the mass of the brick cleaner is used to determine the percentage by mass of HCL in brick cleaner. All 3 titres show that they are only within 0.1 of each other. The hypothesis has been disproved because it was suggested the 30% of HCL would be in brick cleaner and there’s only 2.4% although it’s not certain that those steps were done correctly. There were no problems encountered during this prac. Focus Questions: 8)a) the manufacturer says that brick cleaner is made up of around 35% HCL, which is a massive difference to the answer that was got in this prac but again question 7 was not done correctly. b) differences in class results occur because not everybody would have done the exact volume of brick cleaner, sodium carbonate etc as each other therefore the difference in results obtained. 9) To correctly clean up a spill of 20mL brick cleaner you would mop it up immediately, washing it away with massive amounts of water 10)a) volumetric flask= once with water twice with brick cleaner b) Burette= once with water twice with diluted solution of brick cleaner c) pipette= once with water twice with diluted brick cleaner d) conical flask=once with water twice with sodium carbonate solution Conclusion: To conclude, there should be 35% HCL in brick cleaner although it was found that there was only 2.4%

Friday, August 30, 2019

Administrative Law and Regulatory Processes

The federal state constitution has set up various independent regulatory commissions which are established to regulate and decide on important areas of the nation's economy.According to Horn (2003), the regulatory commissions are also referred to as the quasi-legislative groups, and they operate independently with no presidential control.   Members of the regulatory commissions are appointed to their various offices by the president, and are given the approval by the senate either for staggered periods or for long terms.   The president cannot remove a head of an independent commission at will.Members who are appointed to work in the various independent commissions must have had appropriated experience working in the same industry.   The commissions should also have members from both parties and no member can be stopped from serving in the regulatory commission due to political factors.When a regulatory commission concentrates on the protection of the interests of a specific in dustry, such a commission is said to be' captured' because it protects and represents only the interest of the industry, as opposed to the protection of the public interest.   The objective of any independent and regulatory commission should be to protect and represent the interest of the public.Quasi-legislative and Quasi- judicial FunctionsThe regulatory commissions that are established as independent have both the quasi-judicial and the quasi-legislative functions, which they carry out in the discharge of their responsibilities.   Mayne & Martin (2004) observed that, the quasi-legislative functions are exercised where the commission is required to take part in the rule making, and in the carrying out of their regulatory functions.   In the carrying out of this duty, there should be the force of law whereby, when a decision is made by the commission, it becomes legally binding and anyone who does not a bid by the rule is subject to a judicial sanction.According to Mayne & Ma rtin (2004), the powers of the quasi judicial functions have been exercised in situations where disputes need to be settled in various incidents where the congress may have been involved in the giving of policing authority such as, in the business field, where the commission may have been making decisions which may be viewed as suitable for the development of commerce.For instance, there is a commission on Interstate Commerce which deals with matters of economy in the state.The regulatory commissions have the three major powers which include the legislative, judicial and the executive powers.   Unlike other arms of government that are subject to the rule which demands for power separation, this rule does not apply to the regulatory commissions.There has been so much controversy concerning the powers given to the independent regulatory commissions, and these powers have been reduced every now and then especially during the leadership of president Bush and Reagan.Horn (2003) observe d that, there has been a tremendous effort by the congress to protect the regulatory agencies from any political influence.   The congress does this by demanding that, every agency should be led by commissioners who are active in the two major political movements.

Thursday, August 29, 2019

Energy Drinks

Introduction Sir Isaac Newton was right when he saidâ€Å"what goes up must come down† . This rings true when talking about energy drinks. These products promise to provide heightened awareness, more energy, more endurance some even reference to the consumer you will have wings. So when consuming these products what are you really drinking? Do they provide the energy boost they promise? Are they harmful? Should the FDA do more investigating into the safety of these so-called energy drinks?These are questions I had going into this as a consumer of energy drinks myself, I was interested in how harmful they are too the consumer. In this paper I hope to provide a better insight to a product that is popular and in demand; but little is known about. What Are You Drinking? Energy drinks contain most of the same major ingredients caffeine, taurine, glucronolactone, niacin and panax ginseng just to list a few. Let’s start with caffeine it is a central nervous system stimulant th at has the effect of temporarily warding off drowsiness and restoring alertness.As of studies done by (Lovett, Richard) 90% of adults consume caffeine daily in different ways. Most of the energy from these drinks comes from the sugar and caffeine not the unnecessary extras (Suzanne Farrell MS, RD). Taurine another main ingredient is actually an amino acid that is found in the human body it is a natural substance that our bodily systems encounter every day. However in these energy drinks it is a synthetic element.Then there is Ginseng is known as an adaptogen, which means it increases resistance to physical, chemical, and biological stress and builds energy and general vitality. These are just a couple of the things in what seems to be in a lot of the energy drinks. The rest of the scientific sounding ingredients came up to be not relevant to the effects these drinks promise. |Beverage  (250 ml) |Caffeine   content | |Cocaine energy drink |280mg |Full Throttle |144mg | |Monster |160mg | |Impulse |88 mg | |Red Bull |80 mg | |Naughty Boy |80mg | |'V' |78 mg | |Coca-Cola |48. 75 mg | Do These Drinks Provide The Effects They Promise?Most drinks provide some combination of B vitamins (which help convert sugar to energy and help regulate red blood cells, which deliver oxygen), amino acids (e. g. , taurine), antioxidants(milk thisle, vitamin C), and stimulants, ranging from the reliable (caffeine, guarana) to the alleged (horny goat weed). Yes, they do. Smit and colleagues found that energy drinks, as compared to placebo, had energizing effects among 18 to 55 year old participants, with effects being strongest 30 to 60 minutes after consumption and sustained at least 90 minutes. Caffeine was found to be the primary constituent responsible for these effects. Although there is no human requirement for caffeine, even low doses of caffeine (12. 5 to 100 mg) improve cognitive performance and mood (Smit HJ).Because this is still such an understudied topic it is ha rd to say that these drinks provide the effect they promise. The fact is caffeine affects everyone different due to age, size, tolerance, consumption and lack of sleep all these things contribute to how these drinks will affect you. Are They Harmful? This question was the one I was most interested in there is so much controversy around this question. Many energy drinks have a very high percentage of carbohydrates that can make it more difficult for food and nutrients to be absorbed into the bloodstream from the intestines. In some cases, gastrointestinal problems and distress are a possibility.When an energy drink has a high sugar content, it can have a laxative effect, as well as causing a sudden â€Å"crash† when the sugar leaves the bloodstream and the energy high disappears. Researchers found that within four hours of drinking various energy drinks, the 15 participants' blood pressure rates increased approximately 10 percent for the systolic rate, 8 percent for the diasto lic rate and heart rates increased 11 percent (Wayne state university study). When given to test rats in an experimental laboratory, it was found that the taurine caused anxiety, irritability, high sensitivity to noise, and self-mutilations. However, this data does not mean that the same effects will occur in humans the differences between rats and people are obviously substantial.That to me seems sort of scary. The Australian Consumers' Association advises that while energy drinks may be scientifically safe, young people especially need to be aware of their contents. Research shows that children and young people who consume energy drinks may suffer sleep problems, bed-wetting and anxiety. Children who consume two or more cans of energy drinks a day may become irritable and anxious. Women who are pregnant are advised to avoid energy drinks (especially during the first three months of pregnancy), as high amounts of caffeine can increase the risk of miscarriage, difficult birth and de livery of low-weight babies. (Australian Consumers Association)Drinking these drinks while consuming alcohol can also be very harmful there have been reports of young people dying, possibly as a result of mixing of alcohol and energy drinks. Also Since the absorption of nutrients is slower; there is a large chance that the fluid absorption rate of the body is also slower. Difficulty in natural re-hydration of the body during workouts can cause danger to the person’s health. Athletes, who lose great quantities of fluids during games and practices, should be aware of this circumstance for they are one of the target markets of energy drinks. Should The FDA Do More Investigating As To The Safety Of Energy Drinks? Regulation of foods and drugs in the United States falls under the guidance of the Food and Drug Administration under the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act (FDCA).Functional foods, like energy drinks, may be regulated as foods, dietary supplements, drugs, medical food s or food for special dietary use. Though energy drinks have many of the same qualities as soft drinks, which are regulated as foods, they are regulated differently because the functional beverage industry is part of the trend of â€Å"nutraceutical foods† that occupies the gray area between food and dietary supplements. Dietary supplements are generally characterized as foods, despite their drug-like properties and their lack of testing on the market. The U. S. Food and Drug Administration have not conducted any serious investigations into the safety of energy drinks.As dietary supplements, energy drinks are subject to much less stringent regulations than other foodstuffs. However certain nations limit the locations that can sell energy drinks. Other countries require warning labels on individual cans of energy drinks. Still other countries have issued national statements regarding their safety. Some countries, such as Canada, have not yet approved certain energy drinks for sale. So shouldn’t the FDA take a closer look as to how these drinks are labeled and marketed and shouldn’t there be more investigating as to its effects on their consumer. Conclusion As a consumer of at least two if not more monster energy drinks a day I found the information was good to know.I do think that the FDA needs to make it where they do inform the consumer of the risks on the label especially because these drinks are very popular in teens. After all that I found I find it interesting that the public is so misinformed about all the ingredients in these drinks because really the caffeine is what is giving them the boost not all the scientific sounding ingredients. I think that it is most important for consumers to know that when taking in such high levels of caffeine you will go up but you must come down. Bibliography Lovett, Richard (24 September 2005). â€Å"Coffee: The demon drink? † (Fee required). New Scientist (2518). http://www. newscientist. com /article. ns? id=mg18725181. 700. Retrieved 2009-08-03.Suzanne Farrell, MS, RD, a spokeswoman for the American Dietetic Association. Webmd. com Smit HJ, Rogers PJ: Effects of low doses of caffeine on cognitive performance, mood and thirst in low and higher caffeine consumers. Psychopharmacology 2000, 152:167-173. William J. McGuire, the Communication-Persuasion Model and Health-Risk Labeling, in Product Labeling and Health Risks Bichler A, Swenson A, Harris MA: A combination of caffeine and taurine has no effect on short term memory but induces changes in heart rate and mean arterial blood pressure. Amino Acids 2006 http://www. naturalhealthontheweb. com Australian Drug Foundation's Druginfo Clearinghouse. ttp://www. redbull. com/faq/index. html. http://www. safefoodonline. com/news/n_190302. asp Monster energy [http://www. monsterenergy. com/product/energy. php www. fda. gov wellnessandnutrition. com edrinks. net Smit HJ, Rogers PJ: Effects of low doses of caffeine on cognitive per formance, mood and thirst in low and higher caffeine consumers. Psychopharmacology 2000, 152:167-173. http://www. naturalhealthontheweb. com Australian Drug Foundation's Druginfo Clearinghouse. http://www. redbull. com/faq/index. html. http://www. safefoodonline. com/news/n_190302. asp Monster energy [http://www. monsterenergy. com/product/energy. php] www. fda. gov

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

TRANSITIONS TO PRACTICE WORKBOOK Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words

TRANSITIONS TO PRACTICE WORKBOOK - Essay Example In essence the expected outcomes from chemotherapy are to cure a specific cancer; when cure is not a possible solution, to retard the growth of the tumour; to bring about relief of symptoms like pain in cancer; to reduce the size of the tumours in case other interventions like surgery or radiation are considered as solutions and to remove very small portions of tumours that may be present after surgical interventions (Ignoffo, Rosenbaum & Dollinger, 2008). For the administration of Mr. T’s chemotherapy he needs a portacath inserted. After insertion Mr. T returns to your ward what specific nursing care does he need in relation to his portacath insertion for the first 48 hours? The immediate care needs of Mr. T post portacath insertion involve, keeping the site of insertion clean, pain assessment and prevention, infection prevention, control of any possible complications, like pneumo thorax and keeping the line clean by flushing (Wood, 2000). Site of insertion has to be examined and any blood stained dressing needs to be changed. As the anaesthesia wears off, pain may be experienced by the patient and Langhorne, Fulton and Otto, 2007 recommend the assessment of pain experienced and the use of medication like paracetamol to alleviate the experience of pain. Infection control is the next issue and for this purpose nursing care needs to pay attention to whether there are any signs of infection, like continued pain, inflammation and any oozing at the site suggestive of infection and initiate action to control the infection (Verfaillie et al, 2005). Blockage of the Portacart line is the next issue in nursing care and Nursing Management of Intraperitoneal Access Devices, 2006, suggests the use of the Huber needle for flushing the line. Incidence of traumatic pneumothorax has been reported after the procedure and should the patient

The six day war israel against the arab states Essay

The six day war israel against the arab states - Essay Example Moreover, it has also resulted in a special relationship between Israel and the United States after the conclusion of the war, with military support available for Israel from America. This has further fuelled the discord in the Middle east region. In 1956, during the Suez crisis, Israel had advanced its military into the Sinai peninsula, but with heavy diplomatic pressure from both the United States and the Soviet Union, Israel withdrew forces and a UN peacekeeping force was stationed in Sinai. One of the major reasons why the Suez crisis had been precipitated was the closure of the Tiran strait to Israeli shipping, but after the Suez crisis, the strait was reopened and there was temporary peace in the region despite the lack of resolution of the issues plaguing the region, since none of the Arab States recognized Israel as a separate state. The events leading up to the war were actually set into motion when Egypt became suspicious about an imminent Isreali attack on Syria planned for May 17, 1967. Such suspicions were based upon militant speeches that were being made by Israeli leaders and the substance of a Soviet intelligence report on the hostilities along the Israeli-Syrian border. As a result, Nassar personally ordered for the mobilization two divisions of troops across the Suez Canal during a late night meeting on May 13 and 14. (Bergman 2000, p 44). These troops were to be sent into Sinai with the intent of putting the armed forces in Sinai on full alert and completing the troop mobilization before an anticipated Israeli attack on May 17th. On May 18, 1967, the UAR began expelling the United Nations Emergency forces, which were there to provide a peace keeping buffer in the area and this led up to the closure of the Straits of Tiran to Israeli ships on May 23rd. This was akin to a trumpet call for war, because Israel had earlier made a public declaration that it would equate any interference with freedom of navigation along

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Introduction to Decision Making Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Introduction to Decision Making - Essay Example Another problem that the review process encountered was the subjective nature of the review form. Categories should not use terms that are not defined. "Meets expectations" may hold different meanings for different managers. Rating scales of 1 to 5 may be interpreted differently by different people. If an employee is average do they receive a 2, 3, or 4 The rating scale needs to be based on more objective data and not subjective evaluation. The review system also needs to eliminate any political gain or loss for the management team. A manager should not be rewarded if his entire team exceeds expectations nor penalized for a poor evaluation. This can be solved by increasing the number of people beyond the immediate supervisor who has input into the review. These may be co-workers, other managers who are in contact with the employee, or peers. In the example of Milhouse being sold a part, he fell victim to the contrast frame. The salesman was able to compare the success of the company to a can of soda. Milhouse deduced that the success of the company was more important than a can of soda. In comparing the two choices, the part was not considered.

Monday, August 26, 2019

Intrinsic and extrinsic motivation Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Intrinsic and extrinsic motivation - Essay Example Besides, the motivation for a behavior may also be attributed to less-apparent reasons such as altruism or morality. According to Geen (1994), motivation refers to the initiation, direction, intensity and persistence of human behavior. In other words, motivation is a state of mind which is influenced by the environment, by those around and above all by us (Yates, 2002). Researchers have identified basically two kinds of motivation- the intrinsic and the extrinsic motivation. The main purpose of this paper is to compare and contrast extrinsic motivation and intrinsic motivation. Additionally it also examines the effectiveness of both types of motivation and discuss some of the personal views with respect to which process provides the most effective results and why. There are several researchers who have worked and continue to work on intrinsic and extrinsic types of motivation, and these studies have shed light on their impact on individuals on both developmental and educational practices (Ryan and Deci, 2000). In general, intrinsic motivation occurs when people are internally motivated to do something because it either brings them pleasure, they think it is important, or they feel that what they are learning is morally significant. For example, in a husband and wife relationship unless both are motivated to be faithful, happy and committed to each other or are intrinsically motivated, it is impossible for them to be happy. Another example is if a child is studying out of real interest in the subjects and his curiousness to learn about the subject, it can be said that the child is intrinsically motivated. On the other hand extrinsic motivation can be explained as if a person is motivated to take an action after gaining the knowledge of the rewards. In other words extrinsically motivated behaviors are actions that result in the accomplishment of externally administered rewards, such as pay, material possessions, status, and positive evaluations from others (Bateman and Crant, N.D.). For example, when a student is compelled to achieve distinction in his exams because of the prize announced by the teacher can be considered as extrinsic motivation. The student does not learn the subjects out of the real interest on the subjects but due to pressure. While it is debated that intrinsic motivation plays a major role in reflecting the natural human propensity to learn and assimilate, extrinsic motivation differs considerably in its relative autonomy and thus can either be a sign of external control or true self-regulation (Ryan and Deci, 2000). Motivation influences productivity, and I believe it is essential to understand what motivates people to reach peak performance. It is not an easy task to increase their motivation because they respond in different ways. Motivation among different category of people differs. For instance, a child of 2-3 years may differ from a school going child in motivation. A teenager may differ from the adult. An employee may differ from the business owner. Therefore in all these cases there are different intrinsic and extrinsic motivations and researchers have studied in depth on these issues. And most of them agree that motivation in general is something that energizes, direct, and sustains behaviors (, N.D.). If we take a look at the work of early researchers it can be seen that the extrinsic motivat

Sunday, August 25, 2019

Simventure business report Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words - 1

Simventure business report - Essay Example In the process of using the process of using this application the user will have the chance of viewing business from a wider perspective and in the process acquire strategic mindset which is a prerequisite to modern day business. Under SimVenture simulation, people who think innovatively and laterally beyond their area of specialization are greatly valued. Life long learners who are adaptive are able to fast thinking through the learning process. Increasingly, organizations seek critical thinkers with insight and the ability to reflect. In today’s business team players with the ability to discern social cues and respond accordingly to those cues are in great demand, this simulation helps in inculcating this skills. This learning experience encourages proper financial management and efficient time utilization; this eventually leads to robust financial gains. There should be an organized effort to gather information about customers and the prevailing markets. Marketing activities within the simulation have different levels of effectiveness, depending upon which target segment is selected. Information on how effective the activity will be in reaching the different segments is available in some cases, such as Advertising, giving percentages to guide the user in selecting an appropriate method to reach their chosen market segment. Generally a broad approach will help to reach a greater percentage of the chosen market segment and will result in a high number of enquiries being generated. (Thatcher 1990) This is a crucial business activity for any business entrepreneur. Analysis of the competitors is an ongoing process which will give a clear understanding of the weakness and the strengths of the competitor. Some of the benefits of conducting a competitive research include better targeting of customers, better understanding of the markets, proper forecasting of the potentials of the market and

Saturday, August 24, 2019

Preventing Ventilator Associated Pneumonia in the Intensive Care Unit Research Paper

Preventing Ventilator Associated Pneumonia in the Intensive Care Unit - Research Paper Example From this perspective, I want to find various methods of preventing ventilator-associated pneumonia in the ICU patients. Huang, S. J., Huang, H. J., Yu, S. F., Chen, J. H., Huang, H. Y., Cheng, P. C., ... & Lu, M. C. (2015). The implement of bundle care improves the incidence of ventilator-associated pneumonia in ICU. Journal of Microbiology, Immunology and Infection, 48(2), S153. The above journal discusses a research carried out in a medical center in central Taiwan. The purpose of the study was to evaluate the incidence of ventilator-associated pneumonia after implementation of VAP bundles. Before the introduction of VAP bundles the prevalence rate was 2.5% in 2013 where a respirator was utilized in 49.9% of the patients hospitalized in the 20-bed Medical Centre. The incidence rate reduced from 2.5% in 2013 to 1.0% in Q3 of 2014, after the application of VAP bundle care. Laird, P. (2015). Preventing ventilator-related injury in the ICU. Retrieved May 22, 2015, from This resource talks about a mechanical ventilation technique that is utilized in the ICU. It is a treatment for patients suffering from respiratory failure. Nevertheless, the method has various complications and risks related to its use. It is, therefore, recommended that patients using this type of therapy should be monitored daily. Monitoring daily is paramount to establish preparedness to perform early extubation and safeguard against possible fatal ventilator-associated problems. The document suggests that using ‘VAP-bundle’ may minimize the infection rate. It talks about a 5-element Institute

Friday, August 23, 2019

Risk Assessment Is the Health, Safety and Environmental Management Coursework

Risk Assessment Is the Health, Safety and Environmental Management - Coursework Example This essay explores the methods of risk identification that are applicable to the health, safety, and environmental issues. Brainstorming is a method used across all disciplines to identify risk. Groups of professionals come together and verbally identify the risks that are in their sectors. In this method, all the people involved need to be informed and well equipped with the general knowledge so that they can appreciate the opinions of the others. Relevant documentation is required after the brainstorming exercise so that the information can be stored for use in the evaluation exercise. Interviews can also be used to identify risks that are bound to occur in a certain field of interest. Precaution should be taken on the kind of person interviewee since it affects the reliability of the kind of information that will be collected. It is normally advised that an interview is carried out after a brainstorming session to have appropriate questions to ask in the interview. However, inter views are limited to the capabilities of the facilitator and therefore he/she should be competent in carrying out interviews. Experiments can be performed to identify a risk. In the health sector, experiments can be performed on animals that have reaction characteristic similar to those of humans. In the environment samples can be set aside, experiments performed on them, and the results of the experiments used to identify a risk. Risks can be identified by reading documented knowledge. Researches were done previously and knowledge from books and journal is an important source of information in risk identification. However, the researcher should be cautious when using this knowledge to ensure that it is relevant and from a credible source. A lot of research has been done in the safety and health sector and the documented information could offer solutions in identifying risks. Documented historical knowledge that is widely accepted as a fact could be used in risk identification

Thursday, August 22, 2019

Sales Strategies Essay Example for Free

Sales Strategies Essay EXECUTIVE SUMMARY The supermarkets in the UK is expanding with retail food products being sensitive to cross-price elasticity in that supermarkets are encouraged to be inventive, which will accomplish an advantage, matched to its discounter competitors (Emerald Group Publishing Limited , 2014). This report will explain the types of sales strategies that Aldi may develop in order to compete with other supermarkets within the same market. Aldi have to be considered as a competitor as society is searching for value and that customer behaviour is a major influence in sales strategies and that Aldi will be successful in future years with their overall strategy. BACKGROUND Aldi opened its first store in the United Kingdom (UK) in the 90’s, currently supporting more than 500 stores in the UK, originally established in Germany.   The challenges that face Aldi are primary in attracting customers. As well as attracting customers, Aldi will have to consider its competitors within the market. There are a number of considerations that would influence customer’s behaviour which impacts on the retail market. Society has a wide range of needs and wants which can be varied and impacts customer’s decisions on a daily basis. The decision that is made is key to the decision making behaviour which results in individuals adapting from situation to situation which would have an impact on all supermarkets (Dibb, 2012). The leading retailer’s share of grocers’ for 2011 and 2012 explains that Aldi versus Morrison’s posted surging returns with Morrison’s showing as losers. Diagram one: Share Market Mintel Report An article (sky news, 2012) reports the company Aldi, has seen profits exceeded over 200% in 2011 to  £57.8m, suggesting customer confidence is low and that customer spending brought on by higher inflation and weaker growth has influenced Aldi success with 40 new stores planned to be developed and open by the end of 2013 generating up to 4,500 jobs. Aldi has now introduced 500 new stores in the United Kingdom (UK) and plans to open new stores in higher more upmarket locations and offer a wide range of products attracting higher-earning customer (Aldi, 2013). This strategy is supported by (Harvey,2000, p. 17) who suggests that in a society, a range of low and high income customers can be brought together by retailers creating an internal niche market, with their own discounted products or with higher branded products, integrating separate ‘segments of customer demand’. As Aldi continue to improve on already continued growth, Morrison’s have to act to attempt to maintain and improve within the retail market competition. This is demonstrated by an article (mail online, 2013) Morrison’s attempt to struggle back, which Morrison’s bosses trust only a reduction of prices  on products will sustain Morrison’s future. chief executive Dalton Philips of Morrison’s confirmed â€Å"The economic backdrop remains difficult for the customer†, as stated (BBC, 2013) Morrison’s report Pre-tax profit fell to  £344m for the first half of the year, compared to the same period last year (2012) with profits reaching  £440m. Diagram Two: Share Market Sky News Comparing Diagram one and Diagram two of the market Share, Aldi demonstrate they have a major influence in the market. Aldi in 2011 had a market share of 2.2% increasing to 4.7% ending May 2014. On the back of Aldi success, Morrison’s market share commenced at 10.4% in 2011 with the figures staying static the following year, followed by a slight increase reaching 10.9% by May 2014. The slight increase in performance may be due to Morrison’s raising a price war with Aldi by reducing its prices on 135 products with expectation that more reductions will follow, estimating  £1bn over a three year period which will be permanent reductions rather than promotions, quoted by chief executive Dalton Philips in an article (The Guardian, 2014). It remains to be seen if this will revive the growth of Morrison’s in the future. OBJECTIVES Outline the background information of customer goods and Supermarkets. Outline the background of Marketing Segmentation. Apply the theory of Market Segmentation used by supermarkets. Detail the tool used for Sales strategy and by key brands to provide competitor advantage. METHODOLOGY In order for the company to identify sales strategies in the market, will carry out what is called â€Å"Market Research†. This process is to furnish the retail company to meet the customers’ needs. (Lescher, 1995) defines market research as â€Å"gathering and evaluation of data regarding customer’s  preference for products and services.† On attempting to interview Robert McDonald the Assistant Store Manager of the Aldi Paisley, but was unavailable for comment on a visit to the store on 29/06/2014. On the back of the store visit, made contact with Aldi Head Office in Bathgate and through social business network LinkedIn but unfortunately Aldi were unable to comment on their sales strategy. SUPERMARKETS IN THE MARKET Institute of Grocery Distribution (IGD UK) reported that the United Kingdom market is estimated at  £174.5 billion in April this year (2014), demonstrated 2.8% increase from 2013. IGD forecasts that in the UK, the grocery market value will reach the figures of  £203.0 billion by 2019 potentially an increase of 16.3% from 2014. Today’s market the UK grocery market is made up 6 sections, making the retail market competitive. Based on the pie chart, Hypermarkets and superstores have the market monopoly demonstrating  £73.7bn Sales with Convenience Stores next  £37.4bn and Small Supermarkets the next contender with  £35.5bn. As Aldi come under the â€Å"Discounters† with  £10.8bn, with a continued strong presence within the retail market, this figure can only increase and could be a potential big player in years to come, if the organisation continues to grow as previous years and challenge others. AIDA(R) Module Aldi can use a number of channels and methods to increase promotional activity by using the AIDA module. The module can be used for the following; Awareness: Creating brand awareness to its existing and new customers. Interest: Sufficient customer interest to encourage the buyer to start researching further. Desire: Simply the desire from liking it, to wanting it. Action: Attracting the customer to visit store, signing up for newsletter. Once the organisation has captured the buyer, it must consider the retention of the buyer using â€Å"Retention† methods. The methods can be Social Media, TV  adverts, Newsletters. If buyers are satisfied with your product, a vote of confidence can attract new buyers (customers) to the company brand, rather than its competitors (business case studies, 2014) MODEL OF MARKET SEGMENTATION The process for Market Segmentation is to identify the whole of the market and divide the market into each segment, which allows companies to maximise their own opportunity to generate success. (Dibb et al, 2012) defines Market segmentation â€Å"the process of grouping customers in markets with some heterogeneity into smaller, more similar or homogenous markets.† Without market segmentation, the market would assume that customers would share similar needs and that companies can provide one product to the market (Dibb et al, 2012). Therefore this assumption is not correct and as supported by (Dibb et al, 2012) having a Heterogeneous market describes that customers have different needs and wants. PROCESS OF MARKET SEGMENTATION Dividing the market into segments is called STP. STP consists of three key areas which are Segmentation, Targeting and positioning. Segmentation Segmentation can identify potential opportunities within a market. When designing a market strategy, the organisation can take advantage of the marketing mix approach. The marketing mix includes the four P’s which consists of product, promotion, price and place (Hooley, 2012). Aldi can use this method to take advantage of existing customers as well as attracting new customers. Aldi use the four P’s which can create a process were the right product is sold at the right price, at the right place demonstrating the best possible methods of promotion. Targeting Companies can use targeting as a business tool, making a decision on what key areas of the business within the organisation requires attention. This process is intended to be implemented in key areas such as sales as described (Dibb et al, 2012). Positioning Diagram Three: Company positioning by Customer perception Diagram three is a perceptual mapping of the UK supermarkets based on customer perception. The map illustrates that Aldi have built up a customer following, which shows a change in customer demand and behaviour. Aldi have progressed and competing with Asda and Morrison’s, illustrating that all companies have to be competitive to ensure the individual company has an advantage over its competitors. As customers are more economically aware and seeking value for money, this can be used to target a certain area in the market .i.e. low quality, high quality, low cost, high cost depending on the current times. Customers may wish to purchase lower quality brands over high quality brands as it may be better value with the end result getting more for your money. An example of customers getting more for their money, took a challenge to purchase one item from each store and taste it to see if the difference could be spotted with Aldi and Morrison’s products. Purchasing Aldi own brand of Jaffa Cakes which demonstrated similar packaging to the McVitie’s brand with 24 segments at a cost of  £0.95 a packet, roughly working out 4 Pence a biscuit. Morrison’s selling the main brand of McVitie’s Jaffa cakes also offering 24 segments at a cost of  £2.19 a packet working out 9 Pence a biscuit. Tasting the two brands without knowing which one was from Aldi and Morrison’s, concluded that it was hard to identify which product was from each store. Thus changing to purchase the Aldi brand rather than the main brand (McVitie’s) saving a whopping  £1.24. This experiment can be supported in means of description and cost by visiting Aldi:  £0.95 Morrison:  £2.19 Aldi have acknowledged that competitive pricing is a major influence to bring attention and awareness amongst customers with Aldi being able to support quality products at a cheaper cost than its competitors by purchasing products in bulk from its suppliers. Aldi also agree the best possible price from suppliers allowing them to pass the savings on to the customer. To support that Aldi can offer main brands at a cheaper alternative without affecting quality, the cost of a Warburton’s Bread from Morrison’s is  costing  £1.45 with Aldi offering the same product at a cheaper cost of  £0.99 pence (mysupermarket, 2014). Aldi:  £0.99 Morrison’s:  £1.45 POTENTIAL SALES STRATEGIES When looking at Aldi products and comparing them to other competitors within the retail market, it was evident that Aldi are demonstrating three broad sales strategies to maximise profit from new and existing customers by using targeting strategy, pricing strategy and customer retention strategy. Using the current economic times, targeting the customer’s that are looking to save pounds, Aldi are using a sales strategy by offering cheaper alternatives which result in retaining the customer overall leading to company profit (Business case studies, 2014) Aldi introduced a marketing campaign in 2011 using the slogan â€Å"Like Brands, Only Cheaper† using straight forward, no nonsense, simple adverts to advertise their own products. The advert using an old fisherman saying â€Å"Well, there you go then: a fine pair of â€Å"Pollock’s† demonstrating Aldi own product against the main product that it’s the same but cheaper. An advert that won most popular TV advert of 2011 featuring a wife talking about her husband’s penchant for a cup of char before declaring: â€Å"I don’t like tea. I like gin†. Aldi Marketing Campaign 2011. Aldi marketing stragety is to encourage customers to purchase their own brands over the more costly options that are on offer. This campaign suggests its working by the profits the Organisation has seen in recent years as discussed within this report. To this date, the same marketing campaign is still being used (The guardian, 2014) Strong Selling Strategy The retail market is competitive environment with companies expanding and growing availability in the United Kingdom (UK) providing customers more choice. As customers have disposable income to spend, supermarkets are always looking to act on customers emotions. One key observation is displaying the discount price along with the original retail price to influence the customer’s decision on making them realize what a fantastic bargain they are receiving. Supermarkets are always looking to take advantage of an area in the market and Aldi are no different. As reported (Guardian, 2014) Aldi are introducing school uniforms taking advantage of other competitors by offering cheaper alternitvate to other supermarkets and offering parents the opportunity to get their childrens clothing for the coming term in September costing less than the cost of a McDonald’s Chicken McNuggets sharebox. The package by Aldi offers four school essentials at a cost of  £4 when other competitors, Sainsbury’s package is costing  £7.33, Tesco  £6.75 and Asda  £7.50. Managing director, Tony Baines was quoted â€Å"The run-up to the new term can be a stressful time for families. As a result, we were keen to offer parents the opportunity to stock up on superior school uniforms and accessories ahead of the new term with breaking the bank† (Guardian, 2014). As a result of Aldi decision to introduce clothing into the mix, this may see a new price war with other supermarkets trying to compete against Aldi, it still to be seen how this will impact on the other supermarkets and how they will react to the new offering by Aldi. CONTINUOUS IMPROVEMENT Aldi consider the â€Å"Just in Time† (JIT) approach to store management by holding the required stock that the store only requires. As stock is costly with Aldi purchasing stock when required, when stocks are reduced, the companies’ capital improves, allowing Aldi to purchase more stock when required (Jobber, et al, 2006) As Aldi core purpose is to â€Å"provide value and quality to customers† working efficiently and reducing costs allows reinvesting profits back into the organisation. Lean thinking and continuous improvement is fundamental to meet its business goals for growth allowing new properties, suppliers and more savings for customers and offering benefits to employees. An example of Aldi success, a planning application for 46,200 sq. m regional  distribution in Wales has been submitted, according to (IGD, 2014) As Aldi demonstrate continued growth in the UK as the organisation attracts more shoppers that wish to save money on their shop. Aldi have revealed further plans to increase their stores to a minimum of 1,000 stores by the end of 2021 (IGD, 2014). The established German company will support further investment in the UK with 60 new stores to open by 2015, while existing shops will benefit from major refurbishment. On the other side of the bridge, Tesco’s CEO, Philip Clarke became replaceable after 40 years at the supermarket by the head of Unilever’s personal care business Dave Lewis. The news came after Philip Clarke failed to produce the results, the company was looking for after a decline in sales and profit alongside a renewed profit warning (Guardian, 2014). Aldi have taken a percentage of the market, which has impacted on others within, with Tesco and Morrison’s having to invest Millions into the price war to try and stay competitive (Mail online, 2014). As Morrison’s and Tesco have recently issued profit warnings, it suggests that Aldi are winning the price war and making others take notice. CONCLUSION Aldi determined the market using the STP (Segmentation, Targeting and Positioning) process. Using this method identifies what type of market Aldi are targeting. Aldi demonstrated using the four P’s, product, promotion, price and place to take advantage of competition and gain more customers. The change in economy has seen a change in customer spending with behaviour changing by searching for alternative and main brands at a cheaper value. It’s worth noting that other supermarkets are feeling the pressure from Aldi and to sustain such a market position and complete with Aldi, it’s worth consideration the reduction of products to match Aldi which was highlighted by Morrison’s chief executive Dalton Philip. Aldi are fulfilling its potential by taking advantage of the market by working efficiently which allows to keep cost at a minimum and enable the company to expand within the UK. The companies campaigns â€Å"Like Brands, Only  Cheaper† have increased the presence of the company’s profile, with continued relationship building with its customers through a number a channels, creating loyal customers. Morrison’s have found it difficult to maintain their position within the market, feeling pressure from Aldi and resulted in a â€Å"profit warning† being issued. It’s therefore clear that Morrison’s have taken the eye of the customer and market, which has shown customer decline and profits dropping due to lack of promotions and low costing products. Unless Morrison’s change their way of thinking, a change in the competition may come in the near future for them. Whether they are able to survive remains to be seen while Aldi continue to be competitive. BIBLOGRAPHY (2014). Retrieved June 16, 2014, from Dibb et al (2012). Marketing Concepts Strategies. 6th ed. Hampshire: Cengage Learning EMEA. Emerald Group Publishing Limited , 2014. Emerald insight.[Online] Available at: [Accessed 3 June 2014]. Hooley, G (2012). Marketing strategy competitive positioning. 5th ed. London: Financial Times Prentice Hall Mintel Group Ltd, 2014. Mintel. [Online] Available at: [Accessed 4 June 2014]. Sky News, 2012. Sky News. [Online] Available at: [Accessed 3 june 2014]. BBC, 2013. BBC Business News. [Online] Available at: [Accessed 2 June 2014]. Rankin, J., 2013. 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Wednesday, August 21, 2019

Business Law Essay Example for Free

Business Law Essay What is Business Law? Businesses interact in many and varied ways. To name just a few types of business transactions, there are contracts, mergers and acquisitions, leasing, etc. How these transactions are carried out is overseen by Business Law. Additionally, how businesses are formed is a large part of Business law. This area of law is very wide-ranging, although it deals primarily with defining the rights and responsibilities of businesses, rather than enforcing these laws. Because of its extensive scope, Business law has spawned a large number of legal practice area subcategories, which include Sales and Secured Transactions, Banking, Landlord-Tenant, Mortgages, Real Estate Transactions, Debtor and Creditor, Bankruptcy, Consumer Credit, Negotiable Instruments, and Contracts. Business law and Commercial law are very closely related, so much so that the terms are often used interchangeably and the legal issues they address frequently overlap. The Uniform Commercial Code (UCC) is the principal presiding authority over commercial transactions. * helps small businesses understand their legal requirements and locate government services from federal, state and local agencies. is an official site of the U.S. Small Business Administration. * Commercial Law / Business Law Definition Commercial law (sometimes known as business law) is the body of law that governs business and commercial transactions. It is often considered to be a branch of civil law and deals with issues of both private law and public law. Commercial law includes within its compass such titles as principal and agent; carriage by land and sea; merchant shipping; guarantee; marine, fire, life, and accident insurance; bills of exchange and partnership. It can also be understood to regulate corporate contracts, hiring practices, and the manufacture and sales of consumer goods. * Compliance with Business Laws Most aspects of running a business have some legal consequences. Whether your business is just starting up, expanding, or winding down, you must comply with the federal, state, and local laws that govern your business activities. * Employment Law for Businesses A great many common law rulings, statutes, administrative rules and legislation make up the practice and interpretation of employment law. Its governance falls under the umbrella of both federal and state statutes, as well as administrative regulation and judicial precedent. When workers file claims for employment discrimination, unemployment compensation and workers’ compensation, these claims fall under employment law. Likewise, overseeing workplace safety and standards, fair wages, retirement and pensions, employee benefits, and much more, are part of this wide-ranging legal area. Employment law deals with both the employer and the employee’s actions, rights and responsibilities, as well as their relationship with one another. A well-known, prevalent administrative regulatory body for employment law is the Department of Labor, which exists on both the federal and the state level.The elaws Advisors are interactive e-tools that provide easy-to-understand information about a number of federal employment laws. Each Advisor simulates the interaction you might have with an employment law expert. It asks questions and provides answers based on responses given. * Self-Employment Assistance Self-Employment Assistance offers dislocated workers the opportunity for early re-employment. The program is designed to encourage and enable unemployed workers to create their own jobs by starting their own small businesses. Under these programs, States can pay a self-employed allowance, instead of regular unemployment insurance benefits, to help unemployed workers while they are establishing businesses and becoming self-employed. Participants receive weekly allowances while they are getting their businesses off the ground. * Model Business Corporation Act A corporation is a legal entity created through the laws of its state of incorporation. Individual states have the power to promulgate laws relating to the creation, organization and dissolution of corporations. Many states follow the Model Business Corporation Act.State corporation laws require articles of incorporation to document the corporations creation and to provide provisions regarding the management of internal affairs. Most state corporation statutes also operate under the assumption that each corporation will adopt bylaws to define the rights and obligations of officers, persons and groups within its structure. States also have registration laws requiring corporations that incorporate in other states to request permission to do in-state business.There has also been a significant component of Federal corporations law since Congress passed the Securities Act of 1933, which regulates how corporate securities are issued and sold. Federal securities law also governs requirement s of fiduciary conduct such as requiring corporations to make full disclosures to shareholders and investors. The law treats a corporation as a legal person that has standing to sue and be sued, distinct from its stockholders. The legal independence of a corporation prevents shareholders from being personally liable for corporate debts. It also allows stockholders to sue the corporation through a derivative suit and makes ownership in the company (shares) easily transferable. The legal person status of corporations gives the business perpetual life; deaths of officials or stockholders do not alter the corporations structure.Corporations are taxable entities that fall under a different scheme from individuals. Although corporations have a double tax problem both corporate profits and shareholder dividends are taxed corporate profits are taxed at a lower rate than the rates for individuals.Corporate law has important intersections with contracts and commercial transactions law. * Securities law A generic term for shares of stock, bonds, and debentures issued by corporations and governments to evidence ownership and terms of payment of dividends or final payoff. They are called securities because the assets or profits of the corporation or the credit of the government stand as security for payment. However, unlike secured transactions in which specific property is pledged, securities are only as good as the future profitability of the corporation or the management of the governmental agency. Most securities are traded on various stock or bond markets. Securities law exists because of unique informational needs of investors. Securities are not inherently valuable; their worth comes only from the claims they entitle their owner to make upon the assets and earnings of the issuer or the voting power that accompanies such claims. The value of securities depends on the issuers financial condition, products and markets, management, and the competitive and regulatory climate. Securities laws and regulations aim at ensuring that investors receive accurate and necessary information regarding the type and value of the interest under consideration for purchase. Securities exist in the form of notes, stocks, treasury stocks, bonds, certificates of interest or participation in profit sharing agreements, collateral trust certificates, preorganization certificates or subscriptions, transferable shares, investment contracts, voting trust certificates, certificates of deposit for a security, and a fractional undivided interest in gas, oil, or other mineral rights. Certain types of notes, such as a note secured by a home mortgage or a note secured by accounts receivable or other business assets, are not securities. * The Setting for Buying and Trading Two principle settings for buying and selling securities exist issuer transactions and trading transactions. On the one hand, issuer transactions are the means by which businesses raise capital. These transactions involve the sale of securities by the issuer to investors. On the other hand, trading transactions refers to the purchasing and selling of outstanding securities among investors. Investors trade outstanding securities through securities markets that can be either stock exchanges or over-the-counter. Stock exchanges provide a place, rules, and procedures for buying and selling securities, and the government heavily regulates them. Generally, to have their securities sold and bought on a stock exchange, a company must list its securities on a given exchange. The Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) must approve the stock exchanges rules before they take effect. Transactions that do not take place on a stock exchange occur in the the residual securities market, known as the over-the-counter market. Only dealers and brokers registered with the SEC may engage in securities business both on stock exchanges and in over-the-counter markets. Most of the broker-dealers serving the public used to be members of the National Association of Securities Dealers (NASD), which served the NASDAQ stock market, but in 2007, the NASD merged with the dealers from the New York Stock Exchange to form the Financial Industry Regulatory Authority (FINRA) a national securities association registered with SEC. * Securities Regulation Securities regulations focus mainly on the market for common stocks. Both federal and state laws regulate securities. On the heels of the Great Depression, Congress enacted the first of the federal securities laws, the Federal Securities Act of 1933, which regulates the public offering and sale of securities in interstate commerce. This Act also prohibits the offer or sale of a security not registered with the Securities Exchange Commission and requires the disclosure of certain information to the prospective securities purchaser. Then, needing an agency to enforce those regulations, Congress established the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, which created the SEC. Since then, Congress has charged the SEC with administering federal securities laws. The 1933 Acts registration requirements aimed to enable purchasers to make reasoned decisions by requiring companies to provide reliable information. The Securities Exchange Act of 1934 also regulates officers, directors, and principal share holders in an attempt to maintain fair and honest markets. The Act requires that issuers, subject to certain exemptions, register with the SEC if they want to have their securities traded on a national exchange. Issuers of securities registered under the 1934 Act must file various reports with the SEC in order to provide the public with adequate information about companies with publicly traded stocks. The 1934 Act permits the SEC to promulgate rules and regulations to protect the public and investors by prohibiting manipulative devices and contrivances via the mail system or other means of interstate commerce * Partnership Law A partnership is a for-profit business association of two or more persons. Because the business component is defined broadly by state laws and because persons can include individuals, groups of individuals, companies, and corporations, partnerships are highly adaptable in form and vary in complexity. Each partner shares directly in the organizations profits and shares control of the business operation. The consequence of this profit sharing is that partners are jointly and independently liable for the partnerships debts.Creation, organization, and dissolution of partnerships are governed by state law. Many states have adopted the Uniform Partnership Act. A partner relationship is generally the result of a contract either express or implied with no formal requirements (such as a signed document). This is not the case of a limited partnership where one or more general partners manage business operations and assume personally liable for partnership debts while other contributing/profit sharing partners take no part in running the business and incur no liability beyond contribution obligations.) Limited partnerships are governed in many states by the Uniform Limited Partnership Act . State property law also impacts partnerships by defining ownership in a partnership and determining how the death of a partner changes the partnership structure. Federal law plays a minimal role in partnership law except in the context of a diversity action, or in instances where a partnership agreement contains an effective choice-of-law provision designating the application of federal law. Federal law also governs whether a partnership exists for federal tax purposes. For state and federal tax purposes, a partnership is not a taxable entity. Partnership income is taxable to the partners in proport ion to their share in the companys profits. * Small Business Advocacy Despite their importance to the economy, small businesses are heavily burdened by the costs of government regulation and excessive paperwork. Advocacy research shows that firms with fewer than 20 employees annually spend 45 percent more per employee than larger firms do to comply with federal regulations. Advocacy is an independent voice for small business within the federal government and is the watchdog for the Regulatory Flexibility Act (RFA). Advocacy advances the views and concerns of small business before Congress, the White House, the federal agencies, the federal courts and state policy makers. * Mortgage Law An arrangement under which a borrower puts up the title to real estate as security (collateral) for a loan to buy the real estate. The borrower typically agrees to make regular payments of principal and interest to repay the loan. If the borrower falls behind (defaults) on the payments, the lender can foreclose on the real estate and have it sold to pay off the loan. A mortgage involves the transfer of an interest in land as security for a loan or other obligation. It is the most common method of financing real estate transactions. The mortgagor is the party transferring the interest in land. The mortgagee, usually a financial institution, is the provider of the loan or other interest given in exchange for the security interest. Normally, a mortgage is paid in installments that include both interest and a payment on the principle amount that was borrowed. Failure to make payments results in the foreclosure of the mortgage. Foreclosure allows the mortgagee to declare that the entire m ortgage debt is due and must be paid immediately. This is accomplished through an acceleration clause in the mortgage. Failure to pay the mortgage debt once foreclosure of the land occurs leads to seizure of the security interest and its sale to pay for any remaining mortgage debt. The foreclosure process depends on state law and the terms of the mortgage. The most common processes are court proceedings (judicial foreclosure) or grants of power to the mortgagee to sell the property (power of sale foreclosure). Many states regulate acceleration clauses and allow late payments to avoid foreclosure. Some states use instruments called deeds of trust instead of traditional mortgages. Three theories exist regarding who has legal title to a mortgaged property. Under the title theory title to the security interest rests with the mortgagee. Most states, however, follow the lien theory under which the legal title remains with the mortgagor unless there is foreclosure. Finally, the intermediate theory applies the lien theory until there is a default on the mortgage whereupon the title theory applies. The mortgagor and the mortgagee generally have the right to transfer their interest in the mortgage. Some states hold that even when the purchaser of a property subject to a mortgage does not explicitly take over the mortgage the transfer is assumed. Mortgages employ due-on-sale and due-on-encumbrance clauses to prevent the transfer of mortgages. These clauses allow acceleration (having the principal and interest become due immediately) of the mortgage. The law of contracts and property govern the transfer of the mortgages interest. If the mortgage being foreclosed is not the only lien on the property then state law determines the priority of the property interests. For example, Article 9 of the Uniform Commercial Code governs conflicts between mortgages on real property and liens on fixtures (personal property attached to a piece of real estate). When a mortgage is a negotiable instrument it is governed by Article 3 of the Uniform Commercial Code. A mortgage may be used as a security interest by the mortgage. * Strangely enough, the word mortgage comes from the French word â€Å"mort† which means â€Å"dead† and â€Å"gage† from Old English, which means pledge. The term came from the doubtfulness of whether or not the mortgagor would pay the debt. In the 1500’s, if the mortgagor did not pay, then the land pledged as security for the debt was taken away. The land was then considered â€Å"dead† to the mortgagor. Nowadays, the term mortgage is used as a term for purchasing a property. We no longer associate anyone’s death with it. Although a few lucky people may be in a position to pay all cash for a property, home mortgages are required to purchase a home. Mortgages all have a term (typically 15, 20 or 30 years) representing the length of time before your home is paid off and a rate which determines the principal and interest payment that will be required to be paid during this term. * Bankruptcy Bankruptcy law provides for the development of a plan that allows a debtor, who is unable to pay his creditors, to resolve his debts through the division of his assets among his creditors. This supervised division also allows the interests of all creditors to be treated with some measure of equality. Certain bankruptcy proceedings allow a debtor to stay in business and use revenue generated to resolve his or her debts. An additional purpose of bankruptcy law is to allow certain debtors to free themselves (to be discharged) of the financial obligations they have accumulated, after their assets are distributed, even if their debts have not been paid in full. Bankruptcy law is federal statutory law contained in Title 11 of the United States Code. Congress passed the Bankruptcy Code under its Constitutional grant of authority to establish uniform laws on the subject of Bankruptcy throughout the United States.States may not regulate bankruptcy though they may pass laws that govern other a spects of the debtor-creditor relationship. There are two basic types of Bankruptcy proceedings. A filing under Chapter 7 is called liquidation. It is the most common type of bankruptcy proceeding. Liquidation involves the appointment of a trustee who collects the non-exempt property of the debtor, sells it and distributes the proceeds to the creditors. Bankruptcy involve the rehabilitation of the debtor to allow him or her to use future earnings to pay off creditors. Under Chapter 7, 12, 13, and some 11 proceedings, a trustee is appointed to supervise the assets of the debtor. A bankruptcy proceeding can either be entered into voluntarily by a debtor or initiated by creditors. After a bankruptcy proceeding is filed, creditors, for the most part, may not seek to collect their debts outside of the proceeding. The debtor is not allowed to transfer property that has been declared part of the estate subject to proceedings. Furthermore, certain pre-proceeding transfers of property, secured interests, and liens may be delayed or invalidated. Various provisions of the Bankruptcy Code a lso establish the priority of creditors interests. * Small Business Financing Loans and Grants Federal, state and local governments offer a wide range of financing programs to help small businesses start and grow their operations. These programs include low-interest loans, venture capital, and scientific and economic development grants. * Uniform Commercial Code The Uniform Commercial Code (UCC or the Code), first published in 1952, is one of a number of uniform acts that have been promulgated in conjunction with efforts to harmonize the law of sales and other commercial transactions in all 50 states within the United States of America. The goal of harmonizing state law is important because of the prevalence of commercial transactions that extend beyond one state. The UCC therefore achieved the goal of substantial uniformity in commercial laws and, at the same time, allowed the states the flexibility to meet local circumstances. The UCC deals primarily with transactions involving personal property (movable property), not real property (immovable property). * US Department of Commerce The U.S. Department of Commerce has a broad mandate to advance economic growth and jobs and opportunities for the American people. It has cross cutting responsibilities in the areas of trade, technology, economic development, environmental stewardship and statistical research and analysis. The products and services the department provides touch the lives of Americans and American companies in many ways, including weather forecasts, the decennial census, and patent and trademark protection for inventors and businesses. What is the UCC? The Uniform Commercial Code (UCC), a comprehensive code addressing most aspects of commercial law, is generally viewed as one of the most important developments in American law. The UCC text and draft revisions are written by experts in commercial law and submitted as drafts for approval to the National Conference of Commissioners on Uniform State Laws (now referred to as the Uniform Law Commissioners), in collaboration with the American Law Institute. The Commissioners are all attorneys, qualified to practice law, including state and federal judges, legislators and law professors from the United States and its territories. These quasi-public organizations meet and decide whether to endorse these drafts or to send them back to the experts for revision. The revision process may result in several different revisions of the original draft. Once a draft is endorsed, the Uniform Law Commissioners recommend that the states adopt these rules. The UCC is a model code, so it does not have leg al effect in a jurisdiction unless UCC provisions are enacted by the individual legislatures as statutes. Currently, the UCC (in whole or in part) has been enacted, with some local variation, in all 50 states, the District of Columbia, and the Virgin Islands. UNIFORM COMMERCIAL CODE Act 174 of 1962 AN ACT to enact the uniform commercial code, relating to certain commercial transactions in or regarding personal property and contracts and other documents concerning them, including sales, commercial paper,bank deposits and collections, letters of credit, bulk transfers, warehouse receipts, bills of lading, other documents of title, investment securities, leases, and secured transactions, including certain sales of accounts and contract rights; to provide for public notice to third parties in certain circumstances; to regulate procedure, evidence and damages in certain court actions involving such transactions, contracts or documents; to make uniform the law with respect there to; to make an appropriation; to provide penalties; and to repeal certain acts and parts of acts. * 1-101. Short Titles. (a) This [Act] may be cited as the Uniform Commercial Code. * 1-102. Scope of Article. This article applies to a transaction to the extent that it is governed by another article of [the Uniform Commercial Code]. * 1-103. Construction of [Uniform Commercial Code] to Promote its Purposes and Policies: Applicability of Supplemental Principles of Law. (a) [The Uniform Commercial Code] must be liberally construed and applied to promote its underlying purposes and policies, which are: (1)to simplify, clarify, and modernize the law governing commercial transactions; (2) to permit the continued expansion of commercial practices through custom, usage, and agreement of the parties; and (3) to make uniform the law among the various jurisdictions. (b) Unless displaced by the particular provisions of [the Uniform Commercial Code], the principles of law and equity, including the law merchant and the law relative to capacity to contract, principal and agent, fraud, misrepresentation,mistake, bankruptcy, and other validating or invalidating cause supplement its provisions. * 1-104. Construction Against Implied Repeal. [The Uniform Commercial Code] being a general act intended as a unified coverage of its subject matter, no part of it shall be deemed to be impliedly repealed by subsequent legislation if such construction can reasonably be avoided. * 1-105. Severability. If any provision or clause of [the Uniform Commercial Code] or its application to any person or circumstance is held invalid, the invalidity does not affect other provisions or applications of [the Uniform Commercial Code] which can be given effect without the invalid provision or application, and to this end the provisions of [the Uniform Commercial Code] are severable. * 1-106. Use of Singular and Plural; Gender. In [the Uniform Commercial Code], unless the statutory context otherwise requires: (1) words in the singular number include the plural, and those in the plural include the singular; and (2) words of any gender also refer to any other gender. * 1-107. Section Captions. Section captions are part of [the Uniform Commercial Code]. * 1-108. Relation to Electronic Signatures in Global and National Commerce Act. This article modifies, limits, and supersedes the federal Electronic Signatures in Global and National Commerce Act, 15 U.S.C. Section 7001 et seq., except that nothing in this article modifies, limits, or supersedes Section 7001(c) of that Act or authorizes electronic delivery of any of the notices described in Section 7003(b) of that Act. * 1-201. General Definitions. (a) Unless the context otherwise requires, words or phrases defined in this section, or in the additional definitions contained in other articles of [the Uniform Commercial Code] that apply to particular articles or parts thereof, have the meanings stated. (b) Subject to definitions contained in other articles of [the Uniform Commercial Code] that apply to particular articles or parts thereof: (1) Action, in the sense of a judicial proceeding, includes recoupment, counterclaim, set-off, suit in equity, and any other proceeding in which rights are determined. (2) Aggrieved party means a party entitled to pursue a remedy. (3) Agreement, as distinguished from contract, means the bargain of the parties in fact, as found in their language or inferred from other circumstances, including course of performance, course of dealing, or usage of trade as provided in Section 1-303. (4) Bank means a person engaged in the business of banking and includes a savings bank, savings and loan association , credit union, and trust company. (5) Bearer means a person in possession of a negotiable instrument, document of title, or certificated security that is payable to bearer or indorsed in blank. (6) Bill of lading means a document evidencing the receipt of goods for shipment issued by a person engaged in the business of transporting or forwarding goods. (7) Branch includes a separately incorporated foreign branch of a bank. (8) Burden of establishing a fact means the burden of persuading the trier of fact that the existence of the fact is more probable than its nonexistence. (9) Buyer in ordinary course of business means a person that buys goods in good faith, without knowledge that the sale violates the rights of another person in the goods, and in the ordinary course from a person, other than a pawnbroker, in the business of selling goods of that kind. A person buys goods in the ordinary course if the sale to the person comports with the usual or customary practices in the kind of business in which the seller is engaged or with the sellers own usual or customary practices. A person that sells oil, gas, or other minerals at the wellhead or minehead is a person in the busine ss of selling goods of that kind. A buyer in ordinary course of business may buy for cash, by exchange of other property, or on secured or unsecured credit, and may acquire goods or documents of title under a preexisting contract for sale. Only a buyer that takes possession of the goods or has a right to recover the goods from the seller under Article 2 may be a buyer in ordinary course of business. (10) Conspicuous, with reference to a term, means so written, displayed, or presented that a reasonable person against which it is to operate ought to have noticed it. Whether a term is conspicuous or not is a decision for the court. Conspicuous terms include the following: (A) a heading in capitals equal to or greater in size than the surrounding text, or in contrasting type, font, or color to the surrounding text of the same or lesser size; and (B) language in the body of a record or display in larger type than the surrounding text, or in contrasting type, font, or color to the surrounding text of the same size, or set off from surrounding text of the same size by symbols or other marks that call attention to the language. (11) Consumer means an individual who enters into a transaction primarily for personal, family, or household purposes. (12) Contract, as distinguished from agreement, means the total legal obligation that results from the parties agreement as determined by [the Uniform Commercial Code] as supplemented by any other applicable laws. (13) Creditor includes a general creditor, a secured creditor, and any representative of creditors, including an assignee for the benefit of creditors, a receiver in equity, and an executor or administrator of an insolvent debtors or assignors estate. (14) Defendant includes a person in the position of defendant in a counterclaim, cross-claim, or third-party claim. (15) Delivery, with respect to an instrument, document of title, or chattel paper, means voluntary transfer of possession. * International trade law Includes the appropriate rules and customs for handling trade between countries. However, it is also used in legal writings as trade between private sectors, which is not right. This branch of law is now an independent field of study as most governments has become part of the world trade, as members of the World Trade Organization (WTO). Since the transaction between private sectors of different countries is important part of the WTO activities, this latter branch of law is now very important part of the academic works and is under study in many universities across the world. International trade law should be distinguished from the broader field of international economic law. The latter could be said to encompass not only WTO law, but also law governing the international monetary system and currency regulation, as well as the law of international development. The body of rules for transnational trade in the 21st century derives from medieval commercial laws called the lex mercatoria and lex maritima — respectively, the law for merchants on land and the law for merchants on sea. Modern trade law (extending beyond bilateral treaties) began shortly after the Second World War, with the negotiation of a multilateral treaty to deal with trade in goods: the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT). International trade law is based on theories of economic liberalism developed in Europe and later the United States from the 18th century onwards. International Trade Law is an aggregate of legal rules of â€Å"international legislation† and new lex mercatoria, regulating relations in international trade. â€Å"International legislation† – international treaties and acts of international intergovernmental organizations regulating relations in international trade. lex mercatoria the law for merchants on land. Alok Narayan defines lex mercatoria as any law relating to businesses which was criticised by Professor Julius Stone. and lex maritima the law for merchants on sea. Alok in his recent article criticised this definition to be too narrow and merely-creative. Professor Dodd and Professor Malcolm Shaw of Leeds University supported this proposition. Contract: the elements of a contract The first step in a contract question is always to make sure that a contract actually exists. There are certain elements that must be present for a legally binding contract to be in place. The first two are the most obvious: * An offer: an expression of willingness to contract on a specific set of terms, made by the offeror with the intention that, if the offer is accepted, he or she will be bound by a contract. * Acceptance: an expression of absolute and unconditional agreement to all the terms set out in the offer. It can be oral or in writing. The acceptance must exactly mirror the original offer made. * A counter-offer is not the same as an acceptance. A counter-offer extinguishes the original offer: you can’t make a counter-offer and then decide to accept the original offer! But†¦ * A request for information is not a counter-offer. If you ask the offeror for information or clarification about the offer, that doesn’t extinguish the offer; you’re still free to accept it if you want. It is very important to distinguish an offer from an invitation to treat – that is, an invitation for other people to submit offers. Some everyday situations which we might think are offers are in fact invitations to treat: * Goods displayed in a shop window or on a shelf. * When a book is placed in a shop window priced at  £7.99, the bookshop owner has made an invitation to treat. * When I pick up that book and take it to the till, I make the offer to buy the book for  £7.99. * When the person at the till takes my money, the shop accepts my offer, and a contract comes into being. * Adverts basically work in the same way as the scenario above. Advertising something is like putting it in a shop window. * Auctions: * The original advertising of the auction is just an invitation to treat. * When I make a bid, I am making an offer. * When the hammer falls, the winning ‘offer’ has been accepted. The seller now has a legally binding contract with the winning bidder (so long as there is no reserve price that hasn’t been reached) An offer can be revoked at any time before it is accepted, so long as you inform the person you made the offer to that the offer no longer stands. * Consideration: each party to the contract must receive something of value.Consideration is the price paid for the other’s promise. There are four legal maxims that apply to consideration: * Consideration must move from the promisor; * Consideration need not move to the promisee; * Past consideration is not good consideration; * The consideration given must be sufficient, but it need not be adequate. Arrangements of a social nature are presumed not to be legally binding, whilse commercial arrangements are presumed to be intended as binding contracts. Of course, these presumptions can always be rebutted in court by producing evidence to the contrary. * Importance of Business Law It is essential to know about business law before starting a business, as it will help you operate your business without the hindrances of ignorance. It is better to seek the expert guidance of an accountant and an attorney to learn about the latest business laws that will affect your business.. There are different laws for different business entities. Be certain you learn about the business laws that govern the kind of business entity that you choose to start. The major types of businesses are C, S and closed corporations, limited liability companies, and sole proprietorships. Zoning Laws: It is essential to know about zoning laws, as certain zones are restricted in certain areas. It deals with the kind or type of business allowed in certain areas, how the land surrounding a business is used, signboards, advertisements, and parking. Licensing Laws: In order to operate a business certain licenses are required and there are some important business laws you need to know. If a business operates without these licenses, it is illegal and the business may be dissolved or forced to close. Trademark and Patent Laws: These are laws that deal with ownership; intellectual property rights, and inventions. They are necessary to protect the business. Employment Laws: These are laws regarding the hiring and firing of employees, their rights, compensation, safety, work place discrimination, child labor laws, overtime pay structure, disability laws and unemployment laws. Tax Laws: This section deals with filing of tax returns and depends on the kind of business entity and the state the business operates in, sales tax. These include franchise tax, income tax and other state and federal tax requirements of a business. These are very important business laws you need to know before starting a business. Environmental Laws: The government enforces the environmental laws for the discharge of hazardous waste and the recycling laws pertaining to the business. Health Department Permits: This is necessary if your business deals with food products. You must get health department permits to operate your business. Fire Department Permits and Air and Water Pollution Control Permits: There are laws that certain kinds of business entities must get permits from these departments to operate. The list above contains basic business laws you need to know before starting a company. It is necessary to take precautions that you are not violating any law by operating your business. You must obtain all the necessary permits and licenses from the appropriate authority.

Energy Conversion Is The Conversion Engineering Essay

Energy Conversion Is The Conversion Engineering Essay Energy conversion is the conversion of one type of energy into another. This principle is used every day in our lives. For instance, a battery uses chemical energy to create electrical energy to power an electric starter motor. Steam engines change heat energy into mechanical energy and an electric bulb uses electrical energy into heat and light energy (Freeman, Ph.D., M. Ira, 1957, p. 20). According to Tega Jessa (2012), fossil fuels are a finite, non-renewable resource. Fossil fuel is any carbon-based substance that is used by humans as a source of energy. Coal, petroleum, and natural gas are considered as fossil fuel. Fossil fuel is a primary source for the production of electricity. In the Distributed Generation Education Modules, it states that chemical energy is released because of the combustion of these fuels. This produces heat to power steam turbines. The steam turbines rotating electric generators produce power, and this kinetic energy turns into electricity. Another attraction is that natural gas and petroleum is big business. According to Natural, natural gas is a valued resource and the natural gas industry generates a lot of commerce in the United States and worldwide. Wind power and solar power are two alternatives to using fossil fuels. Wind power is a great source of energy. Wind power has great potential as an energy source. The environmental impact is small and it is renewable. According to John C. Ayers, at higher altitudes and areas without obstructions, wind is stronger. Hilltops are good sites for wind turbines. Ground-based turbines in cities are not as efficient. Wind strength also plays a big part. Wind varies by region and season. This means that it is not a great source of energy in all areas. A disadvantage of this energy source is if the wind is low; you have to supplement it with another source of energy. Energy is produced by using wind turbines. Wind turbines are usually horizontal with blades are mounted on a rotating axis. The electricity produced can be immediately used. In addition, it can be stored in batteries for use when the wind is low. The advantage of using wind power is that it has less of any impact on our environment. It is a clean alternative energy source. According to John C. Ayers, new wind farms produce electricity at costs competitive with oil- and coal-powered plants, and more cheaply than nuclear reactors. Another advantage is that they release no greenhouse gases. David Frum (2013) states that à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã…“wind energy continues to flunk the market test. Ontario buys wind energy at a price 50% higher than it would have to pay for electricity from natural gas. (A new natural gas facility can make money selling electricity at 7-8 cents a kilowatt-hour. Ontario buys newly installed windpower at prices of about 11 cents per kilowatt-hour.)à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚  A disadvantage of wind power is the cost. Acquiring ground underneath the turbines is a big cost, as well as the cost of wiring turbines to the grid. Another cost is maintaining the wires. According to, commercial turbines installed are $3-$4 million installed. Wind turbines under 100 kilowatts run approximately $3,000 to $8,000 per kilowatt of capacity. A 10 kilowatt wind turbine (used to power a large home) approximately cost $50,000-$80,000. The cost could be more depending on the tower type. Even though this may be a disadvantage to some, the advantage is the tax incentive that can help reduce the cost. Solar power is another alternative to fossil fuels. Passive solar and active solar are the two types of solar energy. According to Jennifer Claerr, a building on the east-west axis uses passive solar. Silicon solar cells capture sunlight and convert it into electricity. Direct current is generated and is converted into alternating current before it can be used to power household devices. Passive solar is used to keep a home warm in winter and cool in summer. An advantage of solar power is the cost savings. Many people are installing solar systems to protect the environment and to conserve fossil fuels. Another advantage of using solar energy is to become self-sufficient by providing for all of the own energy needs. A home can be built using passive solar for about the same price as a conventional home. For an existing home, active solar is a good alternative. Both passive and active solar are beneficial to the environment. Passive and active solar can prevent carbon dioxide from being released into the atmosphere. The disadvantages of using solar power is that it doesnt work at night without a storage device such as a battery, and cloudy weather can make the technology unreliable during the day. They can be expensive and require a lot of land area to collect the sunà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s energy.

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

Ghost :: essays research papers

  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The fondest memories of my youth include hitting people with sticks and throwing people out of trees. I was probably only about 8 years old when I started masquerading in the woods as a Robin Hood type character. Along with me I had about 7 other outlaws. Daily we would go into the woods and change teammates on our different Klan’s. Someday's we even had up to 12 kids parading through the woods on missions to free friends and seek vengeance for unjust acts that had been committed in our territory. Literally jumping 30 feet in the air from one tree to the next was no large task, it was done almost automatically when a foe approached and was gaining fast on you. Especially when you carry a wound from a battle, the adrenaline will make you do crazed things. Without hesitation or second thought we commonly committed feats which would have caused our parents to banish us from the woods. Trees were used to cut down and turn into weapons. There were throwing stic ks, swords, staffs, and an entire array of undecipherable weapons that were used. Going into battle included tying sticks to your shins so sword blows wouldn't hurt and using sap to thicken the skin on your hands so when the sword went uncontrollably smashing into your hands it wouldn't hurt as bad. I proudly wore the title of king of the mountain. When there was no snow we climbed a steep hill that went straight down about 12 feet into a grass field. Uppercuts and hooks were not uncommon ways of getting a nemesis off of the mountain. I even had a special attack where I would squat, jump, slap the victim in the face, land, and sweep there legs out as I hit them in the knees and stepped on their feet. This would inevitably cause them to crash into the ground. It was almost every time someone was hit off the cliff that we had the wind knocked out of us. If a blow were too forceful then other people would hit you with sticks. At the end of the day we outlaws would be covered with dirt and blood with several abrasions. I loved those woods and think fondly of them whenever I reminisce upon my early childhood. One of the Greatest adventures we had when the entire group of us was together as one Klan occurred when I was in 3rd grade.

Monday, August 19, 2019

Essay --

Malgudi is, and will always be a land of imagination, in which sustains, its own set of problems and dynamics. The set of recurring characters is a reassuring and comforting thought. While embarking on a new Narayan novel, the readers get a feeling of familiarity with the place and the people.Right from his first chapter in ‘Swami And Friends’ to the last chapter he wrote in ‘Grandmother’s Tale’, he strives to show a world of conflict that is Malgudi. This is where, the beauty of his writing lies. Narayan managed to retain an average reader’s interest in Malgudi over a period of six decades. Malgudi was created and written about, by R.K. Narayan, keeping in mind his hometown of Mysore. Seen as place which is more or less stagnated, the same set of characters and places help the reader get a continuous reading experience. Moreover it has helped in creating a unique identity to this place. Saying that Malgudi remains the same over the course of Narayan’s career as a writer, would be unfair. For one could see signs of development in the latter books;which could have been inspired by p...

Sunday, August 18, 2019

The Endocrine System Essay -- Biology, Hormones

In the human body we have a system that deals with chemical communication through the use of hormones, the ductless glands that secrete hormones and the target cells that respond to the hormones, this system is called the Endocrine system. This is used to help maintain the essential purpose of the human body which can range the metabolism to growth. This system also works in line with the nervous system in regulating the interior functions and keep up homeostasis and also long term behaviour. There are many hormones in the human body that can affect attitude and behaviour. A very common behaviour throughout the human life, which is affected greatly by hormones, is the sexual behaviour. There are a range of hormones which are created from the gonads and placenta which affect this behaviour. These can be set into two different categories for both male and female, male hormones is known as androgens, which has testosterone which allows the progression of the male reproductive area and the preservation, also provides secondary characteristics and behaviour. The female hormones is known as Estrogens, such as estradiol, which functions in the improvement plus preservation of the woman’s reproductive area, which allows the growth of the other sex characteristics , also the changes in behaviour and in the reproduction of the mammary glands. However both male and females, produce both types of hormones and both have important effects, but males produce more androgens and females produce more estrogens. There has been lots of attention in the connection among behaviour and hormones and it shows that the normal difference in the quantity of hormones which is presented is related with the difference in behaviour. A case of this can be... ...he affects of the female hormones as a result of it been seen as controversial to do. Therefore we have to assume that hormones affect the behaviour of all humans even though research is done on the male hormones. Although there is still knowledge in the fact that when a woman goes through her menstrual cycle that it affects their behaviour and mood, there is still no clear research into which hormones affects this change. On the other hand, females do still contain a little of the testosterone hormone in their system so this could still affect the females behaviour even though they don’t have a high amount of testosterone, however this is still yet to be researched due to complications. Overall we can see that hormones can affects one’s behaviour and there is still research yet to be done into a greater extent to find which hormones can affect which behaviour. The Endocrine System Essay -- Biology, Hormones In the human body we have a system that deals with chemical communication through the use of hormones, the ductless glands that secrete hormones and the target cells that respond to the hormones, this system is called the Endocrine system. This is used to help maintain the essential purpose of the human body which can range the metabolism to growth. This system also works in line with the nervous system in regulating the interior functions and keep up homeostasis and also long term behaviour. There are many hormones in the human body that can affect attitude and behaviour. A very common behaviour throughout the human life, which is affected greatly by hormones, is the sexual behaviour. There are a range of hormones which are created from the gonads and placenta which affect this behaviour. These can be set into two different categories for both male and female, male hormones is known as androgens, which has testosterone which allows the progression of the male reproductive area and the preservation, also provides secondary characteristics and behaviour. The female hormones is known as Estrogens, such as estradiol, which functions in the improvement plus preservation of the woman’s reproductive area, which allows the growth of the other sex characteristics , also the changes in behaviour and in the reproduction of the mammary glands. However both male and females, produce both types of hormones and both have important effects, but males produce more androgens and females produce more estrogens. There has been lots of attention in the connection among behaviour and hormones and it shows that the normal difference in the quantity of hormones which is presented is related with the difference in behaviour. A case of this can be... ...he affects of the female hormones as a result of it been seen as controversial to do. Therefore we have to assume that hormones affect the behaviour of all humans even though research is done on the male hormones. Although there is still knowledge in the fact that when a woman goes through her menstrual cycle that it affects their behaviour and mood, there is still no clear research into which hormones affects this change. On the other hand, females do still contain a little of the testosterone hormone in their system so this could still affect the females behaviour even though they don’t have a high amount of testosterone, however this is still yet to be researched due to complications. Overall we can see that hormones can affects one’s behaviour and there is still research yet to be done into a greater extent to find which hormones can affect which behaviour.